When you give your hand to the one you love, you give your everything. At least that is what I was thought to do - only fair that you give your hand back faithfully with love and compassion. When you do that, you trust that very hand you hold and committed to. You hope the most as it is that hand that you want to guide you through the dark. It is the same hand that you want to hold to share the light you receive through your life's journey. If you have not found the right hand, don't fret. It will come to you. If you have found it, hold on tight to it and never let go.
But what do you do when the hand you are trying to hold to is letting go? Do you keep reaching out? Or do you find a new hand? If you let go, what would happen to the promise you made when you held that hand? What ever happen to the morals of keeping your promise?