Monday, August 10, 2009

Being friendly and polite goes a long way...

12 years after my first visit, I set foot again in the city of Jhongli, about 1 hour away from the metro city of Taipei. I could not remember if the people are friendly and helpful 12 years back. Perhaps my communication with them was quite limited then as my Mandarin was really half past six. But this time, I really enjoyed my stay, even though it was all the time in the hotel. The staffs are exceptionally extra helpful, friendly and very polite. My Mandarin is still half past six, with a few occasions where I mix Hakka into it. Yet that did not frustrate them or myself to communicate whatever message we need to send across to each other to get the conference preparation in order. There were many times sign language is also included which is so comical. Wouldn't life be so much simpler and pleasant if everyone treats each other the same? Speak politely and try alternative in communicating with each other rather than choose the fast way out? Which in most cases, stop the communication channel and worst, assumptions sets in.
Because of the hotel staff being so polite, I was constantly reminded that I must remember each and everyone of them, their name, so that I can thank them at the end of the conference. I believe if we treat everyone the same way, we will always remember them. And that is the best thing that another person can do for you, remembering you were part of their life for a while - because you were polite and helpful at the time they needed you. Who knows one day you cross each others path again?

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